Apple compote

Thanks to a good harvest of apples this year, conservation of apples was the most various. For certain there are apples in gardens at and you - inhabitants of the USA, England and other English-speaking countries. For the winter from tinned drinks it is possible to cook apple compote. Compote from apples, in itself, very tasty. It is possible to cook it both in the summer, and in the fall. And for a change, it is possible to add cinnamon (crushed), mint, pears, a lemon or berries. For small children and the people inclined to allergic reaction, it is better not to do similar additives whereas compote absolutely for them is safe. Even, on the contrary, it is very useful and vitamin-rich also microcells.

I offer you to cook compote for the winter with amount of ingredients on two cans. It is actually very simple. The only skill which you should have – good mood.

Crop of apples

Crop of apples


  • 10 large apples
  • 4,5 liters of water
  • 500 grams of sugar
  • Berries (raspberry, currant) at will

Preparation of apple compote:

  1. Necessary, wash the apples, cut out midways and cut on 4 parts or segments. The peel shouldn t be cleaned off.
    For compote apples shouldn t cut small
    For compote apples shouldn t be cut small
  2. Cans and covers for preservation need to sterilize. Evenly to distribute the cut apples on cans. Water it is necessary to boil and, to fill in with a thin stream apples. Cover cans with covers and leave alone for 15-20 minutes.
     fill in with boiled water for the first time
    Fill in with boiled water for the first time
  3. Merge water in a pan by means of a special cover and add in it sugar.
     merge water
    Merge water
  4. Cook syrup on average fire. If you want to add to color and aroma compote while syrup cooks, it is possible to add to berry apples, approximately on a handful in cans. Before add berries in a can it is necessary boiled water.
    Add berries
    Add berries
  5. When syrup will begin to boil, fill in cans to the very top.
     fill in with syrup for the second time and preserve
    Fill in with syrup for the second time and preserve
  6. Preserve covers, overturn cans upside down, well wrap up and leave for day alone. Wait for full cooling of compote. By the way, the drawn compote gets more saturated color.

When compote will stand, berry color becomes brighter

When compote will stand, berry color becomes brighter

Before sending cans to a cellar, it is desirable to wash up them from possible sticky smudges. That s all, tasty compote for the winter is ready! Even if at you the apple-tree doesn t grow, it is possible to get some kilograms of this useful fruit. However, you shouldn t buy fruit large, brilliant, ideal by sight in supermarkets. It is better to give preference to simpler house grades which are grown up under natural conditions. It will be much more useful to health.

Council. If you very much worry about the figure and avoid to use apple compote because of excess calories (in 100 grams of compote their the about 93rd), reduce amount of sugar! Also sugar can be replaced with honey.

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